Justice for Your Wallet - Week 2

Welcome back to another week of the 'Justice for Your Wallet' money challenge!

If you've been following our daily tips on the #JusticeForYourWallet broadcast channel on Instagram, you know the drill: a daily money-saving tip coupled with a poll to gauge our collective financial vibe. It's been a journey filled with insights, laughs, and some unexpected gems.

Just as in Week 1, I'll be recapping these daily tips and sharing my insights. The #JusticeForYourWallet adventure is only gaining momentum—let's dive into Week 2! 💰✨

Tip #8 - Budget Like a Boss

Create a spending plan so that you are spending your money on things that you need instead of what you want.

My Rating: Like It

I’m a huge fan of tracking spending. Contrary to popular belief, budgeting doesn’t mean you need to be super restrictive. It’s super helpful to see where your hard-earned $$ are going.

Tip #9 - Check with Your Car or Home Insurance Company

See if they will offer you a discount if you pay for the entire year upfront.

My Rating: Like It

Most insurance companies do offer a discount for paying upfront. However, it’s usually something super small like 1% of the premium. If you’re able to though, it makes sense to do it and then it’s one less bill coming out of your account each month.

Tip #10 - Try Buying Big-Ticket Items Online

On websites such as Facebook Marketplace, you often find people who want a quick sale on nearly new furniture or appliances.

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I don’t think I’ve ever made a purchase off of Facebook Marketplace or anything like that. I have, however, sold on platforms like that many times.

Tip #11 - INK-REDIBLE Printer Savings!

Set your printer to print in black and white by default, since coloured ink costs more.

My Rating: Love It

I can confirm that coloured ink typically costs more than black ink. I print in black and white most of the time, but I still find that my coloured ink goes fast.

Tip #12 - Use the 24-hour Rule

Wait 24 hours to avoid purchasing non-essential items on impulse. It works well for online shopping where items can be added to your cart to purchase later.

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If you’re someone who likes to impulsively shop, this is a great idea. I’ve been unintentionally using this “rule” without even knowing it lol. 

Tip #13 - Don’t Overlook Your Local Flea Market

Some merchants sell household supplies, cleaners, soaps, and toothpaste at wholesale prices. Carefully inspect merchandise before buying.

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I used to love going to flea markets when visiting Toronto. I’ve never purchased “practical” supplies like household supplies and such there, but there’s always something interesting.

Tip #14 - Darn Your Socks and Repair Your Clothes

By extending the life of your clothes, you buy less, save money, and help the environment.

My Rating: Like It

I honestly like this idea; I just know it’s not practical for me lol. I use this tip a lot when it comes to blankets and comforters.

And that's a wrap for Week 2 of 'Justice for Your Wallet'! 🎉 As we gear up for Week 3, remember that every intentional step forward is a win on this journey. Stay tuned for more insights, more savings, and more financial wins. Together, let's make 2024 a year of financial success! 💰✨

If you’re not already part of the challenge, here’s how to join:

  1. Download your "Justice for Your Wallet" eBook and templates for FREE!

  2. Choose your preferred savings frequency—weekly, biweekly, or monthly.

  3. Optional: Join the broadcast channel on Instagram, where I send daily money-saving tips, real-time updates, and more.

  4. Start saving!


Justice for Your Wallet - Week 3


Justice for Your Wallet - Week 1