Justice for Your Wallet - Week 1

For those of you who've been tuning in to the #JusticeForYourWallet broadcast channel on Instagram, you're already familiar with our daily ritual of sharing one money-saving tip and engaging in polls to vote on whether we agree or disagree. It's been a blast!

From quirky and light-hearted suggestions to more practical tips, we've covered a spectrum of ideas. Even if some seem a bit 'silly,' I'll be recapping them and sharing my thoughts and ratings right here. So, pick and choose what resonates with you, and feel free to leave the rest behind.

Let's dive in!

TIP #1: Keep the Sun Out

Here's a classic tip for those scorching summer days: Keep your blinds or curtains closed. Blocking out the sunlight can genuinely make a difference in keeping your house cooler.

My Rating: Neutral 💸😐

While the science checks out, I find myself on the fence with this one. As a sunshine enthusiast (and someone with a low vitamin D count), I'm hesitant to fully embrace the "keep it dark" philosophy. It's a classic energy-saving move, and it might indeed impact your hydro bill, but I'm not convinced it's a game-changer for everyone. Let's keep those curtains open and soak in the sunlight!

tip #2: cut open “empty” tubes

My Rating: Love It! 💚💰

This tip is a game-changer! Cutting open "empty" tubes to extract that last bit of toothpaste, face cream, or sunscreen is something that I absolutely swear by. It's surprising how much product is left, even when you think it's empty. Trust me, give it a try—you'll be amazed at the extra product you get!

tip #3: Don’t Buy Bottled Water

Tip: North American cities have tap water that's just as good as bottled water.

My Rating: Like It! 💧🌍

The idea of ditching bottled water is spot-on. However, when it comes to tap water, I'm on the fence. I'm all about staying hydrated, but I opt for a reusable water bottle and a trusty Brita to ensure my water is purified. 

tip #4: Stop Smoking Now

Save at least $2,000 per year (depending on where you live) by ditching a pack-a-day habit. There's also your health and quality of life to consider!

My Rating: Love It! 🚭💸

This one's a winner in my book. Quitting smoking not only saves you a considerable amount of money but also has profound effects on your health and quality of life. While I believe everyone deserves to spend their money in ways that bring them joy, the health aspect makes this tip a double-win.

tip #5: Host a Clothing Swap

Gather your family and friends, telling each person to bring good clothes they don't wear. Everyone will get a chance to grab something new for their wardrobe, and any leftovers can be donated.

My Rating: Like It! 💵👌

While a clothing swap might not be my personal cup of tea, I can't deny it's a fantastic idea. Gathering family and friends for a clothing exchange not only adds a social element but also promotes sustainability. Plus, the idea of donating any leftovers is a win-win. Why not turn decluttering into a fun day with friends?

tip #6: Do Not Buy a New Car

A new car can depreciate up to 30% in its first year. Instead, save thousands by paying a trustworthy mechanic to inspect a used car for you.

My Rating: Neutral 🚗😐

The advice about a new car's depreciation is spot-on. I lean towards a neutral stance, as there are a number of factors that come into play when choosing between a new and used vehicle. Each approach has its merits; it ultimately depends on individual preferences and circumstances. 

tip #7 - Saving Electricity = Saving Money

Tip: Turn off the lights when you leave a room to save electricity and make your light bulbs last longer.

My Rating: Love It! 💡💚

Turning off lights when leaving a room is a classic, and I'm all for it!

And there you have it—Week 1 of "Justice for Your Wallet" in the books! Stay tuned for Week 2, where I'll share my thoughts on the next 7 tips.

If you’re not already part of the challenge, here’s how to join:

  1. Download your "Justice for Your Wallet" eBook and templates for FREE!

  2. Choose your preferred savings frequency—weekly, biweekly, or monthly.

  3. Optional: Join the broadcast channel on Instagram, where I send daily money-saving tips, real-time updates, and more.

  4. Start saving!


Justice for Your Wallet - Week 2


Behind the Scenes & Quarterly Recap