As a tech professional by day and a content creator at all other hours, I love sharing knowledge that empowers and inspires.

From personal finance to lifestyle, I’m comfortable working with many different industries. Whether it’s content creation, speaking engagements, or brand partnerships, I’m always happy to collaborate with brands I admire. 

What I can do for businesses

Content creation 

I create custom content that connects your brand with my audience. As a financial educator and respected influencer, I create engaging social media content to help you reach a new audience. I have a 90% Canadian following between the ages of 18 and 34. Whether it’s social media, a blog, or YouTube content, it always makes a lasting impact.

speaking engagements

I bring a fresh, relatable perspective to the world of finance that resonates with Gen Z and millennial audiences. Through engaging storytelling of my own experiences, I provide actionable tips to help audiences take control of their personal finances. From Carleton University to Jaku Konbit, I’ve spoken at a diverse range of functions and look forward to helping you elevate your next event.

brand partnerships 

Looking for something a little more serious? My brand partnerships provide companies with a unique blend of personal finance expertise and a deep understanding of the preferences and behaviours of young people. From food delivery to home decor, I enjoy co-creating product offerings with authentic brands to drive mutual growth.

What I can do for individuals


Not sure where to start? No problem. The world of personal finance is vast, and everyone’s situation is different. That’s why I offer one-on-one “Ask-Me-Anything” sessions. Book a session with me to discuss the personal finance topics of your choice, from homeownership to investing strategies, so you can feel confident about your next financial moves.

Helpful resources

Over the last few years, I’ve developed multiple resources to help young Canadians take control of their personal finances. From savings guides to children’s workbooks, I’m here to help you get started on your journey to financial well-being. 

Have a different engagement in mind?

Feel free to contact me so we can discuss further!