Winning the Federation of Black Canadians Pitch Competition

I am excited to announce that I was privileged to participate in the FBC (Federation of Black Canadians) pitch competition on Monday, March 4th, 2024. I came out as one of two winners of the grand prize of $5,000, which I will use to facilitate the further growth of my brand. I am truly grateful for the experience and opportunity to expand my business further and reach my goals.

The Federation of Black Canadians (FBC):

The Federation of Black Canadians (FBC) is a national, non-profit organization in Canada that advocates for the social, economic, and political advancement of Black Canadians. Committed to addressing issues such as anti-Black racism, discrimination, and inequality faced by Black communities across the country, the FBC plays a crucial role in fostering entrepreneurship among Black Canadians.

The Pitch Competition Experience:

The competition was both exhilarating and nerve-wracking. With only 3 minutes to present, it was the shortest pitch I've ever done, and I found myself grappling with nerves. However, the adrenaline rush was worth it when I was announced as one of the winners.

The Impact of Winning:

Winning the grand prize is a significant milestone for me. It will allow me to focus on outsourcing tasks as I continue to juggle my 9-5 job while managing my business. Additionally, I plan to allocate funds toward marketing efforts, ensuring that my business grows and reaches more people who can benefit from our services.

My Journey with the FBC:

My journey with the Federation of Black Canadians began in 2023, when I participated in their Black Entrepreneurship Program. The program provided invaluable support and resources that have been instrumental in shaping my entrepreneurial journey. Participating in the pitch competition is a testament to the ongoing support and opportunities provided by the FBC.

For those interested in learning more about entrepreneurship programs and initiatives like the FBC pitch competition, I encourage you to visit the Federation of Black Canadians website. Their programs not only provide valuable support and resources to entrepreneurs but also contribute to the advancement of Black communities across Canada.


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